Techno Gamerz World
So, it is the latest and updated world of the one and only Techno Gamerz a.k.a Ujjwal. This world contains every single building and farms that ujjwal made in it including the latest GOLDEN MANSION and THE STATUE. This made a lot of efforts so consider sharing this and give me credits too.
So, here the time come. Here, is the latest and updated world of our one and only Techno Gamerz or we can say that Ujjwal. This world has all the structures, buildings, and farms that ujjwal made in his videos. These include the Golden Mansion, The Statue, Techno Castle, Village Haul. I hope this will be a enjoyable experience for you, and don't forgot to give me
Golden Mansion
This is one of the latest building that ujjwal made is his own own world and I really tried hard to make as good as ujjwal made. Golden Mansion, which is made by golden blocks and decorated with the new Flowering Azalea leaves. This is the 20 million special build. Its's interior is as good as exterior.
Main Castle
This is the main castle and home of Ujjwal and this is the best building in the world. This is well detailed and has every single design. This make it more cooler. It has a beautiful interior, with a great flooring and, if we go the left side we got Enchanting Setup, if we go back then we will reach the main Storage Area, which is a really well sorted storage.

The Statue
The Statue of Ujjwal is made by himself. This is the latest building that is made in the world. I tried to make replica of the same statue that ujjwal made originally in this world, and this statue that i made is really well detailed and the picture below is from that world that you is going to download.

Main Castle
This is the main castle and home of Ujjwal and this is the best building in the world. This is well detailed and has every single design. This make it more cooler. It has a beautiful interior, with a great flooring and, if we go the left side we got Enchanting Setup, if we go back then we will reach the main Storage Area, which is a really well sorted storage.

Interior of Castle
Below is the interior of the main castle, which is well designed and well decorated by Ujjwal, and I also made it as good as the original one. Its flooring is made through different types of terra-cotta which has different designs. It has not a single level of darkness because of the good lightening in it.

Villager Haul
Ujjwal made two different Village hauls in his world. One is made in back side of castle which is mainly a villager breeder, and the second one is really amazing and is located in front of the castle, and it is also called Villager Trading Hall.

Trident Farm
Ujjwal made several farms in the world from which the trident farm is the best as it gives 100 tridents/hour which is really a big number. I made these as similar as he made and they are fully functioning farms. These are really good and productive.

Cobblestone Farm
It is one of the best farms that is made by Ujjwal and I also made it as similar as he made. This is a really useful farm that give a lot of cobblestone as all the building in this world is made by stone bricks, that is made by stone. Hence this a very useful in this way.

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